
Trinidad and Tobago is a country in Central America , although the islands are a geologic extension of South America .  It consists of two islands included among the so-called "Greater Antilles." Located on the Caribbean Sea , off the coast of eastern Venezuela , Trinidad, the largest island, has 4,828 km ² while Tobago has 330 km ². The national capital is located in Trinidad, and is Port of Spain ( Port of Spain ). The relief of Trinidad is characterized by three low mountain ranges that extend from east to west around the area in the center there is a plain where it develops a culture of sugar cane . Parts of east and west coast have training ground swampy . The highest peak is Mount del Aripo , with 940 m altitude integrating the chain of mountains in the northwest. In the north, the mountains are covered by forests.
Tobago, whose capital is Scarborough , has wonderful beaches with white sands and coral cliffs around the island whose center is mountainous while the south and the west coast are located in the plains. The climate is tropical with high temperatures throughout the year ranging between 25 and 38 degrees centigrade. There are two well defined seasons: a dry season, from January to May and a rainy season from June to December. Fortunately, the islands are off the route of the hurricanes that often, devastate vast areas of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean .